Kingpin: War Crimes

My current gig, this is a one shot which ties in with Marvel Comics big muti-part multi-title crossover Civil War. It focuses on the Marvel Universe' top organised crime boss, & I find myself re-united with the writer Frank Tieri & inker extrordinair Tom Palmer, both of whom I worked with on the mini-series Underworld earlier this year, & are stella guys of the first order.
For obvious reasons I can't give too much away, but check it out when it hits the shelves of you local comic store in December to see how even when he is locked up in jail, The Kingpin (Wilson Fisk to his friends..although he doesn't have too many of those) can control the lives of not only his fellow prisoners but the forces of the government (including S.H.I.E.L.D.) on the outside. Here's a couple of pages of pencils to whet your appetite...
Your pages are amazing! Nice details on the panel with the shield girl. Keep it up!
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