X-Men ebay sale, & Dracula adaptation news

I have another bunch of pages up for offer on ebay this week, among them pages from X-Men, Spiderman, Batman, & Catwoman, & some Marvel Civil War stuff too.
Click here to view the pages on offer, & PM, email,, or contact me thru ebay if you have any questions. Bear in mind, only pages offered by ebay user 'Nightclown' are being offered by me.
In other news... I'm about to start work on an adaptation of the novel of Dracula for the Classical Comics line... as soon as there is anything to show, I'll give you guys a sneak peak. Stay tuned for more details.
And I'm the fella writing the Dracula adaptation! Nearly done with the script! Should be gooooood. :-)
oh man,i wouldn't want to be in yours shoes,lol...
as much as dec shalvey is following berni wrightson with his frankenstien book,you've got mike mignolas francis ford coppolas bram stokers (?!?!?!) dracula adaptation to follow.
that said,staz,you're a fantastic guy and an amazing artist... you'll do a great job.
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