Birmingham International Comics Show 3

In response to my request for photographic evidence of Shane Oakley's awesome Iron Man sketch at the B.I.C.S. Comic Artists Flip Out, user Mailman (sorry I don't know your real name) has sent me a link to a review of the weekend which features said proof.
I've included the pictures of the 'Flip Out event here, but I strongly recommend you read the review of the whole weekend here.
Top to bottom: My big fat head getting in the way of Shane's awesome Iron Man sketch. Me drawing The Punisher. Mark Buckingham showing how a real artist does it. Finally, me again hogging the limelight & drawing Batman at the same time.... who says men can't multi-task!!
Hi Staz! Loved watching you at the flip out in the Birmingham comic con! Ur Punisher and Batgirl were great. In fact, you can see me and my Dad top right of your audience pic aha. He got my Negative Exposure (first graphic novel aha) signed for me while I was in the queue for Coipel. I'm going to the Leeds one on Sat mainly to see you act as my friend got an awesome Batman sketch and I would love one. I bought a new moleskine sketchbook fof amazon for the occasion, however it came and it is half of A4. it is quite dinky, but do you think this is too small?
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