Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
AutoAssembly: Transformers convention appearance.

Hello, just a quick post to let you all know that I'll be putting in an appearance at a Transformers Convention on Ausust 2nd. AutoAssembly looks set to be a fun filled one day event, with guests from all aspects of the Transformers scene (not just the comics) & dealers selling enough Transformers related gear to keep any 'Auto-head' happy!
I'll be making a dramatic (cough*) entrance onto the stage at some point in the day, accompanied by rousing music... think WWE but with less muscles! If anyone has any suggestions as to what my entrance theme should be... I'm all ears! Suggestions for 'Simply The Best' will be considered, while 'Nellie The Elephant' will result in a flame war!
Anyway, I'll have what little pieces of Transformers artwork I have left for sale, & I will I'm sure be signing & sketching at some point too.
Labels: Transformers