Captain America: One Minute Later

This is something I did a while ago, & for some reason I kept forgetting to put it on here. It was a private commission for art collector Michael Finn. The idea was to take a well known cover (preferably featuring Captain America... a big fan of the Cap is our Michael), then imagine what would be happening 'One Minute Later' in that scenario. The original cover dates from the 1980's (by Frank Miller , & I've included it here for comparisson) so I've attempted to do the art in a 1980's style (the approach to the inking etc), & is why, Cap here bears little resemblance to the current incarnation of the character.
You can view all of Michael's One Minute Later commissions here.

If you'd like a Private Commission of your own, you can get in touch via the contact page on the main website .
Hey Staz. These are great man. I know i sound like a broken record, but I'm not gonna nitpick to give you crits. I believe in credit wheres it due. And these are top level!
And I really like this one minute later idea, it must get ideas really rolling.
Haha, nice idea and great work. I hope Michael had to splash out. ;)
I don't know about splash out Michel, my rates are perfectly reasonable...for a superstar :)plus, given the right circumstances, I will work for beer :)
ok! a crate of good old german beer is on its way!
hm…let me think carefully…what could i demand for that… ;)
For a crate of German beer....anything!
for a German Beer...i guess i'll be a Homer Simpson ..."beer...* ", and that'll be AWESOME..hehehe ^_^
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