So the Birmingham International Comics Show was just this weekend gone. It was a good fun show, in an interesting venue. I made lots of new aquaintances, amongst whom were Barry & Dave the guys from
The Geek Syndicate . If you visit their site you can listen to a very funny podcast about the Con'.
I spent most of Saturday just hanging out at the show, apart from in the morning when I spent a little time on my contribution to a huge art installation devoted to The Phantom, who

celebrates his 70th year this year... not bad for a guy in purple striped underpants! Here you can see me working on the piece...in the freezing cold, using the bottom of an empty beer glass as a pallet, what a glamorous life I lead. These photo's were taken by Chris Monk, & if you visit his online
gallery you can see more photo's from the show.
The pics of the completed pic, & how it looked once it had a few more to keep it company were taken by Logan181 (don't know you real name,sorry) from the
Comic Geek Speak forum.
Sunday saw me pretty much chaind to a table while I signed comics & sketched for anyone who was interested. If I manage to get scans of any of the

sketches I did, I'll be sure to put them on

cheers for the links!
It was good meeting you :)
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Nice jacket you wear on the photos... especially the German flag... hehe!
I'm looking forward to your Kingpin comic!
Best wishes,
Hi Staz ,great phantom drawing ,
great updates on the blog.
Thanks for showing.
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