WWE Magazine Cover.
The artwork I had to produce depicted the actual wrestler Chris Jericho, I confess I wasn't familiar with him, but then the whole professional wrestling thing just seems like so much pantomime to me, rather than an actual sport, so it's not something I follow.

Anyway, the editor provided me with a basic cover layout & reference photos of the guy & I came up with this initial sketch. The monster is supposed to be the guy's 'inner demon' taking physical form...or something. When I submitted this, the editor quite rightly said that the pose of the main character looked more like he was screaming in anguish rather than exhulting in his transformation, & requested I alter the pose slightly to emphasise this.

So I did this figure study, which captured the correct feel I think. I pasted this into the image in Photoshop, printed it out & using that as the pencil stage, I worked on my lightbox tracing thru with my markers & Sharpies.

This is the finished inked stage, which was approved.

Here is the final cover as it with appear, will color & logos etc. You can see this & the alternative cover to this issue done by series artist Andy Smith on the official WWE website here. The issue hits the stands on June 22.